Finding the right pediatrician for your child is more than just a task. It is a crucial step in ensuring the health, happiness, and well-being of your loved one. A great pediatrician is both an expert in children’s health and a source of support, guidance, and reassurance for parents and families. In the dynamic and
Read MoreNavigating Children’s Physicals: What Parents Need to Know
Ensuring your child receives regular physical examinations is a crucial aspect of maintaining their health and well-being. These check-ups, known as children’s physicals, are more than mere formalities. They are opportunities for healthcare professionals to assess your child’s development, identify any potential health issues early, and guide you on the path to proactive wellness. Understanding
Read MoreThe Role of Pediatricians in the Teenage Years
As children transition into their teenage years, they experience many physical, emotional, and behavioral changes. This development period can be exciting and challenging for adolescents and their families. Pediatricians in the teenage years are crucial in providing support, guidance, and medical care to teenagers. Let’s explore the important role pediatricians play in the teenage years
Read MoreOral Contraception: Which Birth Control Pill is Right for Your Teen
As a parent, one of the many important decisions you may have to make for your teenager is to start them on birth control. With so many options available, deciding which method of oral contraception for teens is best suited for your teen can be overwhelming. Let’s discuss oral contraception and the different types of
Read MoreOpen Communication and Comfort: Building Trust with Your Doctor
Your relationship with your healthcare provider is one of the most significant you will have in your lifetime. It is a unique bond, built on trust, empathy, and a mutual interest in your health and well-being. At BridgeSpan Medicine, we understand that every dialogue, every touchpoint, and every interaction with our adolescent and young adult
Read MoreHealthy Eating Habits for Adolescents: Beyond the Basics
Teenage years are a phase of life marked by rapid physical and emotional changes. During this time, adolescents are most vulnerable to developing unhealthy eating habits. Eating nutritious food helps teens and young adults lead healthy lives and avoid future health problems. Healthy foods provide the body with essential nutrients and energy, which help cope
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